Booking the deal

Once all your payment details have been saved, you can get the exchange rates for the payments and book the deal.

To book the deal

  1. On the Make Payment page, click the REVIEW PAYMENT(S) tab.
    All of the payments that you created are listed here. You can review the payments and, if necessary, make any required changes.

    Make Payment
  2. Optionally, if there are any payments in the list that you do not want to book at this time, you can remove them from the list. From the dropdown menu beside each of the payments you want to exclude, click Save For Later.

    Payments dropdown list showing the Save For Later option

    The payments that you save for later are removed from the list on this page, but they are still exist. When you are ready to process them, on Your Dashboard, under ACTION ITEMS, click Saved payment(s).

  3. Click GET RATE to get a live quote and display the resulting payment and settlement amounts. The RATE EXPIRY timer indicates the amount of time you have to book the deal at the displayed rate.

    Make Payment
  4. Click BOOK NOW to confirm the rate and book the payments.
    A confirmation message appears.

    Payments Booked message
  5. Click View Receipt to view the Payment Confirmation.
  6. Optionally, click the Print icon print icon at the top of the page to print the entire receipt, or click the print icon beside a particular line item to print only that information. For example, you can click the print icon at the top of the Payment Details section to print details for all payments or you can click the icon beside a particular payment to print the details for only that payment.
  7. Optionally, click the Email icon email icon to send an email that contains a link to the payment confirmation. Similar to the print icon, you can choose whether you want to send a link that will display the entire confirmation or just a particular section.
    When you click the Email icon, the Email Confirmation screen opens.

    Enter the email address(es) to which you want to send the message, and add any comments you want to include. Then click Send to send the email.